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Mercedes Yvonne Lysaker



Mercedes Yvonne Lysaker is a cellist located in New York City.

A classically trained musician, she holds degrees in cello performance and music education and worked for many years as an orchestral musician before becoming an independent artist outside classical music.

She performs classical fusion, metal, rock, and alternative music, composing and recording from her home studio. Her interests lie in performing classical and pre-existing works in a new way, bringing out different elements that may be overlooked or ignored in conventional presentations. Her original pieces are often highly improvisatory, with elements of Jewish mystical music combined with ethereal and amplified sound-scapes. An avid gamer, Mercedes also runs PokéCello Music, a YouTube channel devoted to remixing music from the Pokemon video game franchise for cello.

Mercedes works as a teaching artist and strings specialist, teaching strings and conducting research in music education focusing on social justice and equity in string education and designing community-focused, culturally relevant string curricula.